Estoy realmente agradecida, agradecida de haberlos ido a ver a su concierto en Argentina cuando vinieron, porque por mala suerte, no todas las personas que quisieron ir pudieron, pero yo pude, y estoy muy agradecida, fue algo unico, y lo mejor es que a este recuerdo nunca NADIE me lo va a sacar, siempre va a estar en mi mente, y mas que nada en mi corazón, todavía no entiendo como se puede amar TANTO a alguien, es increible. Estoy tan contenta, este sentimiento es único y le dot gracias a Kevin Jonas ( el papá ) y denise (la mamá) son mis dos dioses, a las dos personas que les debo la vida, enserio. SON LOS HERMANOS MAS LINDOS DEL MUNDO, y frankie tambien, de grande va a ser IGUAL A joe nick y kevin, HERMOSO.
Really I am been thankful, been thankful of them to have gone to see its concert in Argentina when they came, because by bad luck, not all the people who wanted to go could, but I could, and very am thanked for, he was something only, and the best thing is than to this memory never NOBODY is going it to me to remove, it is always going to be in my mind, and but that nothing in my heart, still I do not understand as SO MUCH can be loved somebody, is incredible. I am so contented, this feeling is unique and him dot thanks to Kevin Jonas (the papa) and denise (the mother) are my two Gods, to the two people who I must the life to them, enserio. THEY ARE MAS the PRETTY BROTHERS OF the WORLD, and frankie also, of great is going to be EQUAL To joe nick and kevin, BEAUTIFUL.
Really I am been thankful, been thankful of them to have gone to see its concert in Argentina when they came, because by bad luck, not all the people who wanted to go could, but I could, and very am thanked for, he was something only, and the best thing is than to this memory never NOBODY is going it to me to remove, it is always going to be in my mind, and but that nothing in my heart, still I do not understand as SO MUCH can be loved somebody, is incredible. I am so contented, this feeling is unique and him dot thanks to Kevin Jonas (the papa) and denise (the mother) are my two Gods, to the two people who I must the life to them, enserio. THEY ARE MAS the PRETTY BROTHERS OF the WORLD, and frankie also, of great is going to be EQUAL To joe nick and kevin, BEAUTIFUL.
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