Si, soy tu fan, soy ese tipo de persona, que te apoya en TODO lo que hagas, esa persona que solo quiere que estes bien, esa persona, que nunca te va a olvidar, alguien que te ve de otra manera, que no te ama por como sos te ama por lo que sos, por lo que tenes adentro. " FANS " Las tipicas chicas locas, gritando en la calle, en sus casas en frente a una pantalla asi sea computadora o televisor, las que gritamos lloramos bailamos cantamos, todo por ustedes, las que reimos con ustedes no DE ustedes.
LOS AMO. son mi todo.
micaela entebi- OfJonas
If, I am your fan, I am that type of person, who supports to you in EVERYTHING what you do, that person who only wants that you be well, that person, that never is going to forget to you, somebody that sees you of another way, that inside does not love by how you are, loves you for what you are. " FANS " The typical crazy girls, shouting in the street, in their houses in front of a televising screen or in front the computer, those that we shouted we cried we danced we sang, everything by you, those that laught with you not OF you. YOU ARE THE MASTER. you are my whole life.
Kisses, Micaela Entebi of Jonas
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