Ya no sé como seguir mi vida, la verdad, necesito ALGO que me permita continuarla. en la vida HAYmuchos obstaculos, y me quede trabada en el: JONAS BROTHERS. Ya no puedo soportar sin verlos, NECESITO, es una necesidad, nuna sentí algo así, TAN TAN FUERTE, y no sé como aguantar sin llorar, lo necesito, necesito llorar descargarme, gritar. Pero no puedo pasar el obstaculo. Sé que hay cosas peores en la vida, que por suerte todavía no viví, pero voy a vivir. Pero el hoy, el presente, es este, es mi vida, mi mente, y mi corazón enfocados en los jonas brothers. Dios, OJALA, tanto tiempo de espera, de amor, de sufrimiento, de gritos DE TODO valga la pena, sé que tiene que valer la pena. Pero no es TAN dificil tampoco, pido verlo, mirarlo a los ojos, no VIVIR HASTA LA MUERTE con él, pero bue, cuando tenga que ser será, cuando tenga la oportunidad, aprovecharé. Ojala, algun día Joe Jonas lea esto, se de cuenta DE ALGUNA manera lo que siento, ya que todavía no tuve oportunidad de decircelo en la cara, que por lo menos lo lea. no sé, QUE SE ENTERE. Sé que para él no es la gran cosa, una chica mas que gusta de él, debo ser, OTRA FAN, en fin, UNA MÁS. Voy a esperarte, quizas algun dia te encuentre. te voy a esperar acá, soñando con vos, pensando en vos. viviendo DE vos. nunca me voy a arrepentir, es de lo que más segura estoy, nunca me voy a arrepentir de amarte tanto. Y la verdad, estoy orgullosa, no todos podemos, no todos pueden amar como yo, a mi manera, y pude, te amo joe. No estas tan lejos como pensé, sos la razon por la que vivo, por la que hablo, por la que siento, por la que sigo escribiendo esto, y te voy a encontrar, NECESITO encontrarte.
No longer I know like following my life, the truth, need SOMETHING that allows me to continue it. in the life are a lot of obstacles, and I have left joined in: JONAS BROTHERS. No longer I can support without seeing them, I NEED, is a necessity, nuna I felt something thus, SO SO HARD, and I do not know like holding without crying I need, it, I need to cry to unload, to shout. But I cannot pass the obstacle. I know that there are worse things in the life, that luckily still I did not live, but I am going to live. But the today, the present, is this, is my life, my mind, and my heart focused in jonas brothers. God, HOPEFULLY, as much time of delay, love, suffering, shouts OF EVERYTHING are worth the trouble, I know that the pain has merit. But it is not SO difficult either, I ask to see it, to watch it to the eyes, NOT TO LIVE UNTIL the DEATH with him, but bue, when it must be is, when it has the opportunity, I am useful. Hopefully, someday Joe Jonas reads this, of account Somehow what I feel, since still I did not have opportunity of saying it in the face, that reads at least it. I do not know, THAT FINDS OUT. I know that for him it is not the great thing, a girl but that likes of him, I must be, ANOTHER FAN, in short, MORE. Perhaps I go to wait you, sommeday finds you. I am going to hope to you here, dreaming, thinking about you about you. living ON you. never that I am going away to regret, it is than safer I am, never I am going away to regret loving you as much. And the truth, I am proud, not all we can, all cannot love like, way, and I could, I love you joe. Not these as far as I thought, sos the reason for which alive, by that I speak, by that I feel, by that itself writing this, and am going to find to you, I NEED to find you . I do not have more words, no longer encounter the way to express to me, nonencounter but forms of decirte WHATEVER and LIKE I love you. he is something inexplicable.
sábado, 3 de abril de 2010
Much Music
Thanks you JONAS

Estoy realmente agradecida, agradecida de haberlos ido a ver a su concierto en Argentina cuando vinieron, porque por mala suerte, no todas las personas que quisieron ir pudieron, pero yo pude, y estoy muy agradecida, fue algo unico, y lo mejor es que a este recuerdo nunca NADIE me lo va a sacar, siempre va a estar en mi mente, y mas que nada en mi corazón, todavía no entiendo como se puede amar TANTO a alguien, es increible. Estoy tan contenta, este sentimiento es único y le dot gracias a Kevin Jonas ( el papá ) y denise (la mamá) son mis dos dioses, a las dos personas que les debo la vida, enserio. SON LOS HERMANOS MAS LINDOS DEL MUNDO, y frankie tambien, de grande va a ser IGUAL A joe nick y kevin, HERMOSO.
Really I am been thankful, been thankful of them to have gone to see its concert in Argentina when they came, because by bad luck, not all the people who wanted to go could, but I could, and very am thanked for, he was something only, and the best thing is than to this memory never NOBODY is going it to me to remove, it is always going to be in my mind, and but that nothing in my heart, still I do not understand as SO MUCH can be loved somebody, is incredible. I am so contented, this feeling is unique and him dot thanks to Kevin Jonas (the papa) and denise (the mother) are my two Gods, to the two people who I must the life to them, enserio. THEY ARE MAS the PRETTY BROTHERS OF the WORLD, and frankie also, of great is going to be EQUAL To joe nick and kevin, BEAUTIFUL.
Really I am been thankful, been thankful of them to have gone to see its concert in Argentina when they came, because by bad luck, not all the people who wanted to go could, but I could, and very am thanked for, he was something only, and the best thing is than to this memory never NOBODY is going it to me to remove, it is always going to be in my mind, and but that nothing in my heart, still I do not understand as SO MUCH can be loved somebody, is incredible. I am so contented, this feeling is unique and him dot thanks to Kevin Jonas (the papa) and denise (the mother) are my two Gods, to the two people who I must the life to them, enserio. THEY ARE MAS the PRETTY BROTHERS OF the WORLD, and frankie also, of great is going to be EQUAL To joe nick and kevin, BEAUTIFUL.
denise jonas,
joe jonas,
kevin jonas,
nick jonas
You just don't know it

Te amo Joe, sos mi vida, te amo demasiado
viernes, 2 de abril de 2010
we love the jonas brothers, they are the best brothers of the world! i can't wait the tour!
i want to see them NOOOOOOOW!

Si, soy tu fan, soy ese tipo de persona, que te apoya en TODO lo que hagas, esa persona que solo quiere que estes bien, esa persona, que nunca te va a olvidar, alguien que te ve de otra manera, que no te ama por como sos te ama por lo que sos, por lo que tenes adentro. " FANS " Las tipicas chicas locas, gritando en la calle, en sus casas en frente a una pantalla asi sea computadora o televisor, las que gritamos lloramos bailamos cantamos, todo por ustedes, las que reimos con ustedes no DE ustedes.
LOS AMO. son mi todo.
micaela entebi- OfJonas
If, I am your fan, I am that type of person, who supports to you in EVERYTHING what you do, that person who only wants that you be well, that person, that never is going to forget to you, somebody that sees you of another way, that inside does not love by how you are, loves you for what you are. " FANS " The typical crazy girls, shouting in the street, in their houses in front of a televising screen or in front the computer, those that we shouted we cried we danced we sang, everything by you, those that laught with you not OF you. YOU ARE THE MASTER. you are my whole life.
Kisses, Micaela Entebi of Jonas
Ultimamente, no sé que me pasa, siento algo TAN RARO, creo que es amor, es algo que no puedo controlarlo, cuando lo siento, me dan cosquillas en la panza. Me hace sentir bien, EXCELENTE. Cuando siento eso, pongo una cancion de los Jonas Brothers, me hace sentir todavía mejor, y cuando siento que todo esta perfecto, siento que mi amor, es hacia Joe, y me pongo mal, mi humor va de mal en peor, pensar que son muy pocas las posibilidades de verlo, de hablarle, la verdad, es raro, porque aun cuando mi humor va de mal en peor, una cancion de los Jonas Brothers, me levanta el animo, poner la música a todo volumen, acordarme de su concierto, y llorar, pero esta vez el llanto es de felicidad de emoción, acordarme de: "Los Jonas Brother LLEGAN A LA ARGENTINA" y mi corazon empieza a andar devuelta. solo con pensar que los ví, solo con pensar en que pueden llegar a volver. la canción que me marcó para siempre, S.O.S, fue el final, el ADIOS. Odié tanto esa despedida, que no soporto ningun adios más. Ojala ese adios, haya sido temporal, pero no definitivo.
Los amo hermanitos JONAS, y los voy a amar SIEMPRE de los SIEMPRES.
Lately, I do not know that it happens to me, I feel something SO RARE, I believe that it is love, is something that I cannot control it, I feel when it, give tickle me in the belly. It makes me feel well, EXCELLENT. When I feel that, I put a song of the Jonas Brothers, it makes me feel better still, and when I feel that all this perfect one, I feel that my love, is towards Joe, and I put myself bad, my humor goes of evil in worse, to think than the possibilities are very few of seeing it, of speaking to him, the truth, is rare, because even though my humor goes of evil in worse, a song of the Jonas Brothers, raises intention to me, of putting music to all volume, of deciding to me their concert, and of crying, but this time the weeping is of emotion happiness, to decide to me: " The Jonas Brother ARRIVES AT ARGENTINA" and my heart begins to walk given back. only with thinking that I saw, only with thinking about that they can get to return. the song marked that me for always, S.O.S, was the end, GOODBYE. I hated that goodbye as much, that I do not support goodbye any more. Hopefully that goodbye, he has been temporary, but nondefinitive. The master brothers JONAS, I am going to love you for ALWAYS.
Los amo hermanitos JONAS, y los voy a amar SIEMPRE de los SIEMPRES.
Lately, I do not know that it happens to me, I feel something SO RARE, I believe that it is love, is something that I cannot control it, I feel when it, give tickle me in the belly. It makes me feel well, EXCELLENT. When I feel that, I put a song of the Jonas Brothers, it makes me feel better still, and when I feel that all this perfect one, I feel that my love, is towards Joe, and I put myself bad, my humor goes of evil in worse, to think than the possibilities are very few of seeing it, of speaking to him, the truth, is rare, because even though my humor goes of evil in worse, a song of the Jonas Brothers, raises intention to me, of putting music to all volume, of deciding to me their concert, and of crying, but this time the weeping is of emotion happiness, to decide to me: " The Jonas Brother ARRIVES AT ARGENTINA" and my heart begins to walk given back. only with thinking that I saw, only with thinking about that they can get to return. the song marked that me for always, S.O.S, was the end, GOODBYE. I hated that goodbye as much, that I do not support goodbye any more. Hopefully that goodbye, he has been temporary, but nondefinitive. The master brothers JONAS, I am going to love you for ALWAYS.
Keep it real - Jonas Brothers lyrics

lyrics -
There came a day when the songs that you play
Are blasting through the speakers in your car
It comes in a flash and you hear the crowd
Screaming out your name for the encore
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who´s to say
That we won´t keep it real
Hold on tight
Don´t you dare let go
Now´s the time to let
the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
You know you´ll be on the road
Selling out the tickets to your show
Where you´re from you´re still the one
You were before you left to go on tour
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who´s to say
That we won´t keep it real
Hold on tight
Don´t you dare let go
Now´s the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
Did you ever think your dream would become a reality?
All you did was just belive
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who´s to say
That we won´t keep it real
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who´s to say
That we won´t keep it real
Hold on tight
Don´t you dare let go
Now´s the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
Are blasting through the speakers in your car
It comes in a flash and you hear the crowd
Screaming out your name for the encore
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who´s to say
That we won´t keep it real
Hold on tight
Don´t you dare let go
Now´s the time to let

You can shine bright but still keep it real
You know you´ll be on the road
Selling out the tickets to your show
Where you´re from you´re still the one
You were before you left to go on tour
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who´s to say
That we won´t keep it real
Hold on tight
Don´t you dare let go
Now´s the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
Did you ever think your dream would become a reality?
All you did was just belive
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who´s to say
That we won´t keep it real
Life in the fast lane
Not that bad
No one can complain
Who´s to say
That we won´t keep it real
Hold on tight
Don´t you dare let go
Now´s the time to let the whole world know
You can shine bright but still keep it real
The Jonas Brothers
Fuente: musica.com

Si, la verdad que si, si sos feliz soy feliz.
Si sos feliz estando con Demi Lovato, soy feliz si vos estas con Demi Lovato.
Siempre que pueda, voy a hacer lo posible para que seas feliz, porque como fan, es mi obligacion hacerte feliz, como vos me haces a mi, te amo
y te voy a amar SIEMPRE de los siempres.
Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato
We just recieved word that Joe Jonas and girlfriend Demi Lovato boared a private plane early this morning to Las Vegas, NV. A close and personal friend of both Joe and Demi confirms that they are indeed going to elope. Since Demi is only 17 she is unable to be married without Parental consent. Meaning either she must have a gurdian with her or have notarized written permission. The Jonas family realized this morning that Joe did not arrive to a scheduled filming for the second season of Jonas and began franticaly searching for him and his where abouts. Joe was out last night with younger brother Nick as well as his band mates at a Paul McCartney concert.

Mica entebi de Jonas.
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